Costa Rica Pt. 1

The first day in Costa Rica was a lot of driving.  We picked up our rental car (SUV) but the rental place was out of GPS thingies. So, because I was traveling with 2 men, it was decided that we would be okay just traveling by Costa Rica where they dont have road signs. 
 Needless to say we ended up taking the super long (yet scenic) route through the middle of Costa Rica around the Arenal Volcano.  (the guys will of course blame this on the one road that had washed away sending us on a detour)  By the time we made it to the Monteverde area it was pitch black and the roads had stopped really being roads.  I was more than convinced at one point that we were going to die that night in the jungle.  Luckily, we did not and eventually made it to our hotel.  Of course by that time the place was closed down and I had to do quite a bit of yelling and banging to get someone down there to get us to our room.....which we immediately left in search of the nearest bar.  That bottle of Jack Daniels did not stand a chance. 
man...this bar was crazy! haha.

 But...on to day two!

Me standing outside our hotel...our room was top floor third from the left.
(Photo:Chris Brugh)
down by the pool....
the pool
the plants were huge
yay for recycling! 
Chris checking out the view of our room
Driving on the GOOD roads there...

I had no rain gear for my camera so i attempted to make due with a trash bag.
Our first mission was of course to go ziplining.  We chose Selvatura Park which was the longest and fast zipling in the country.  The longest line was a kilometer long and the fastest went up  to 40 kph.  And of course as soon as we get there the rain turns from a light to a pour.  It did die down a bit while we actually went.  Amazing time.  Seriously one of the coolest things I have ever done.  My adrenaline was crazy high by the end of terror level was crazy high at the beginning:)
Rodney and i gearing up. (Photo:Chris Brugh)
I call this "smiling through my fear"....this was my first line.
(Photo:Chris Brugh)
(Photo: CB) 
(Photo: CB) 
Rodney coming in fast (Photo: CB) 

that's me!
(Photo: CB) 

OUr guide took Chris's camera across one of the lines....not the longest or fastest of the day.  He took this awesome video for us.

 our German friends we made...I need to find their email address to send them photos.  I hope I didn't lose it...
hey you! 

me and my big brother:) we have done some cool shit together.
the tarzan swing!

watching them set up for the tarzan swing.. 
I'm getting strapped in.  I turn to the guide and say, "how many people have been hurt doing this?"
he says, "none...yet. but this is my first day so I am pretty nervous too" Jerk.
there i go!

After the zipling we went on the hanging bridge hike.  Bridge after bridge hanging high in the rainforest.
Taking photos in the jungle...(Photo: Chris Brugh)

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